Brett Favre: The Game

I wish they had a Brett Favre mini-game in Madden Football. Or at least an old BASIC game on the Commodore 64. Sorta like a Zork clone. I imagine this would be the typical game experience.

Brett Favre's Action Offseaon

Brett Favre's Action Offseaon

It’s the Brett Favre Game! You’re the head football coach of the NFL’s newest franchise, the Mango Martinis. Can you keep Brett Favre off your team and keep your job?

Press spacebar to start.[Continue Reading…]

Portugal in Europa Universalis, part 3

“Onward, cowards!” General Poltroon cried. Portuguese soldiers, decorated in chicken feathers and yellow shields, charged into the open plains of Mali, long deserted by real heroes who were fighting a civil war to the west. “Let’s go east!” sounded the regimental horns, an impressive feat considering how chapped their lips were from the African sun. [Continue Reading…]

Portugal in Europa Universalis, part 2

Time to set out. I loaded one fleet and sailed them west to the New World. Ahem, I said I loaded troops onto a fleet and…what a bunch of laggards. Are they lazy, cowardly or both? I’d forgotten that loading troops on ships in Europa Universalis is a ‘process.’ You can’t actually click on the ship to load them. You can’t load them in port either. You have to move the ship into an unoccupied sea zone, then move the army not onto the ships but into the sea zone. Fifteenth century armies liked to swim, I guess.[Continue Reading…]

Portugal in Europa Universalis, part 1

I don’t know why I like to chronicle dumb tales played out in historical strategy games, but I do. It started with a Spanish Empire campaign in Medieval: Total War 2. Please don’t contact me about how such and such would never have happened in real life, because I don’t care. Onward.

Portugal is a coward’s choice. They are buffered from the chaotic morass of continental europe by Castille and Aragon. They’re also buffered from muslim advance by Castille, which is fighting the Reconquista to free the Iberian peninsula from the Moors (or, if you will, Moops). [Continue Reading…]

E3 2009: only read this after you’ve geeked out on positivity

One of this site’s super top secret agents sent me pictures from E3. I was all set to post them. Then I got sick. In spring, right? I mean who gets sick in the spring? If it were swine flu, at least I could’ve earned a badge of honor, but this was one of those non-badge-earning sicknesses.  Not herpes, of course, because that’s the badge that keeps on badging. But maybe an unoriginal strain of the common cold. Like if Kanye West made a batch of common cold (KanyeWestchulism). Like that. Unoriginal, boring yet delusionally self-important.

[Continue Reading…]

Sports Mogul

All the best interviews cover turducken, ponies, LARPing (whatever the hell that is) and the Lingerie Bowl. (Yeah, it’s safe for work.)

April 2007 archive

February 2007 video game reviews

Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Sorry Link, but the princess is in another castle. Oh, and it’s another princess entirely, too. Our bad.

Tomb Raider: Legends

Review of the latest Lara Croft game for the PSP.

England in Medieval Total War

“London bridge is burning down!” is my new battlecry, and, come to think of it, it’s a bad one because London’s one of my cities and I don’t want my bridges sinking into the Thames. [Continue Reading…]

Spanish Empire in Medieval Total War, part 3

Espana (the tilde was hanged for heresy against the Church) has beaten back the savage Mongols. It took many years, several Spanish generals fell, and my allies did nothing to aid their comrade under duress, but my plucky Iberian armies have bravely pulled through. After rebuilding Antioch, I sacked the whole of Anatolia. I don’t even remember the names of the empires, but they were spelled funny and had sent far too many Imams trying to convert my loyal Christian subjects to Islam. Very tedious.

“Live under a perpetual Christian monarchy or die!” was our battlecry as we marched towards Constantinople. I conducted a massive pincer movement, ferrying a large army to mainland Europe while I fended off Byzantium’s preemptive strike. Somewhere along the lines, the auto-win conditions kicked in. I had the choice to continue, but I had grown tired of mimicking a Spanish accent. Scotland had soused the Brits. Denmark ate up the Holy Roman Empire. Everybody on the southern side of the Mediterranean was eating arroz con pollo. Jerusalem became the bullfighting capital of the world. With Constantinople now under siege, I decided to hang up my Instigator Stick.

Next up, I try England (just one part). Also check out a Europa Universalis campaign.