American Idol Kansas City: Naptime for Crackhead

Last year, after 97 million votes were cast, David Cook became the winner of this dumb show. Now, we’re going back to his hometown of Kansas City for a round of auditions. If the location is somehow relevant, I’m not seeing it. Because, despite the dubious talents of Mr. Cook, this episode is full of the usual kooks, loons, and misanthropes. Welcome to the K.C., bitch. This is American Idol[Continue Reading…]

American Idol Atlanta: Don’t Kiss the Seacrest!

It’s that time of year, folks. There’s a chill in the air, W2 forms are in the mail, and despite New Year’s Resolutions to the contrary, we’re back on the couch, watching American Idol.

[Continue Reading…]

American Idol: Finale

Randy Jackson is a dope Captain Kangaroo.

Randy Jackson is a dope Captain Kangaroo.

Frank guts it out through the penultimate and ultimate episode. For Frank’s full recaps of the last few seasons, check ’em out.