Damn you, Sony!
PSP firmware
by WootiniSo there was all this crazy-ass hype about Sony updating the PSP firmware, and all the geeks were champing at the bit for it. When it finally became available, I downloaded it like all the other sheep, even though I don't have a Wi-Fi connection in my home, and I don't hang out in coffee shops, so the web browswer is kind of a useless add-on. I was more interested in being able to listen to my iTunes songs and changing that damnable background picture. Unfortunately, there was one annoying side effect of version 2.0 -- all the videos that I'd converted to PSP format using the marvelous program iPSP no longer play! Woo hoo! I'm so glad I paid $20 to register iPSP so I could waste my time converting a bunch of videos into the MP4 format that no longer play on my handheld!
Sent an e-mail to the company that produces iPSP, and unfortunately, whatever Sony did in 2.0 makes earlier videos unplayable. But the new version of iPSP that I downloaded keeps crashing because I'm only on 10.3.9, and don't feel like shelling out $130 to upgrade to 10.4, which is what the new version of iPSP runs on. Sigh. (So a little damn you to Apple, as well, I suppose...) Now I'm investigating other video conversion programs, but since I have a Mac, my options are limited. Wish I never updated. I don't even use the web browser! But if anyone else out there with a Mac knows of a good alternative that doesn't involve me shelling out a hundred bucks for a new operating system, let me know.
This wouldn't be such a big deal if the PSP was good for anything other than watching video. Where are the freakin' games, Sony?