NASCAR Nuttery
by Dave McAwesomeArgh! Just when I go and say McFarlane can do no wrong, he goes and does wrong.
I don't mind that Kasey Kahne has his own figure. He's a solid new NASCAR star as far as I can tell (look, dude, I watch for the crashes, okay? I know, I'm a horrible human being.). I just have a hard time caring about some interchangeable doofus driver in figure form, standing there like an idiot. I haven't really taken a hard look at McF's NASCAR line until now, but it sucks. This is the first time I've had to admit that I hate an entire line of McFarlane figs. All the creativity and cleverness of the vast majority of his work is missing here. I cannot fathom more boring poses. Why not do a cut-away of the driver in the cockpit of the car? Why not a bust of a driver climbing out of the window after the race? Why not Tony Stewart fighting Spawn?
No, that last idea is stupid. Spongebob fighting Spawn, on the otherhand, would be a must-buy.