Small Cars in Small Caverns
I was thinking about how to fix NASCAR the other day, while staring at the 5-hour rain delay at Bristol. How do you fix a sport determined to ruin itself by changing its scoring format every 30 minutes? Caverns.[Continue Reading…]
Holiday Gift Guide 2009: Fortress of Redemption
Suppose you’re planning for the apocalypse and you need a scale model of a fortification to defend your worldly possessions. Suppose too that you need this model to double as a base for your tiny toy soldiers. There is only one solution and it is the Dark Angels Fortress of Redemption
Holiday Gift Guide 2009: Chaos Reaver Titan
Nobody will think lesser of you if you can’t shell out for this humongous model, but if your wish list includes a lot of hellish fiends and eight-pointed stars, you should add this just for kicks.
Warhammer 40,000 Fourth Edition
Once feared for the anticipated damage done to existing army lists, the latest edition of Warhammer 40,000 is a kinder, gentler wargame. Fully compatible with existing codices, fourth edition strives to eliminate exploits of the third edition rules to create a balanced abstract wargame set in a grim, characterful universe. [Continue Reading…]
Andy Chambers Interview from 2003
Once a mail order troll, Andy Chambers’ first few contributions to White Dwarf led to a career in developing and designing rules for the Warhammer 40K universe. Back in 2003, on the eve of the Eye of Terror campaing, the 40K Overfiend and motorcycle hound chatted about the forces of chaos, the fourth edition of 40K and Squats. [Continue Reading…]
How to Paint Citadel Miniatures
What will all the Web sites and message boards on the Internet, it’s hard for a book on miniature painting to stand out. After all, if advice is available for free, why plunk down 20 bucks for a book? [Continue Reading…]
Codex: Eye of Terror
The Eye of Terror was Games Workshop’s gigantic Summer 2003 campaign. For tabletop generals looking to spice up their battlefields with mutants and mutant fighters, this was the field guide. [Continue Reading…]
Codex: Daemonhunters
Codex: Daemonhunters represents Games Workshop at its best. No Space Orks for comic relief; no C’Tan and Necrons to tie up loose ends that ought to have been left alone. This is the war for the soul of humanity. The Emperor’s Daemonhunters wage battles of such cosmic weight, they must remain secret to all but a few cursed with their knowledge. This is the second of a three-part series of books in the vein of the Realm of Chaos tomes from the old Rogue Trader days (Codex: Chaos Marines in fall 2002 and the Eye of Terror campaign in June 2003). [Continue Reading…]
Imperial Armour reviews
Reviews of the first four Imperial Armour books:
Imperial Armour: Volume One – Imperial Guard and Imperial Navy review
Imperial Armour: Volume Two – Space Marines and Sisters of Battle review
Imperial Armour: Volume Three – The Taros Campaign review
Imperial Armour: Volume Four – The Anphelion Project review
For other Warhammer 40k stuff (including a brief primer on the background universe), check here.