Your #1 source for vomiting robot dinosaurs.
Articles (they're funnier than the titles imply):
- Blogging TipsAdvice for newbies. Don't worry, it's funny, not dry and boring. Because, see, unlike most so-called 'writers,' I have talent.
- Blog ChecklistA lot of you people have absolutely no clue.
- Bloggination must be stoppedIt feels good to vent. I can't say it feels as good to you if you happen to be the target of the venting, however.
- Blogtards
Blogging...it all went horribly, horribly wrong. Our expert panel weighs in on blogging, bloggers, blogs and why most of them suck. (Plus, the introduction of Blog_Thunderdome.)
- Buttons and BannersFor your downloading pleasure.
- CopyrightAll material on this site falls under copyright. Keep yer grubby mits off bub. I take this very, very seriously.
- English Grammar, Common Errors and Usage MistakesThe McAwesome Guide to writing that doesn't suck.
- Free Web Content (grr...)I forgot why I wrote this in the first place.
- Google Page Rank (beginners)Explained.
- Google Page Rank (advanced)Explained in more excruciating detail. He does a better job than I do, but I'm still funnier.
- KingmakerAlternate rules for the classic Avalon Hill game.
- Mafia/WerewolfRules for this fun little paranoid game we play on the forum.
- NewsRadio Episode GuideLet me pat myself on the back and say that some of my episode summaries are packin "the funny."
Includes NewsRadio Season 1, NewsRadio Season 2, NewsRadio Season 3, NewsRadio Season 4, and the positively awful NewsRadio Season 5 - NFL FootballHistory, facts and helmets of the National Football League (American football).
- Web Hosting (beginners)A primer for the clueless.
- Web Hosting ScamsDon't be a sucker.
- Why do we bother offering traffic/link services?"Because I care," is the short answer. Pfft, right.