Your #1 source for vomiting robot dinosaurs.
TV and Movies
- Fall TV Preview 2008
If it's fall, it's time for Frank's TV Guide. Watch only what Frank watches.
- Bionic Woman pilot
Random Recap Theater tees off on Jamie Sommers.
- Fall TV Preview 2007
Frank watches more TV so you don't have to. Find out what's crap or not crap.
- American Idol
A full listing of Frank's episode recaps.
- NewsRadio Episode GuideLet me pat myself on the back and say that some of my episode summaries are packin "the funny."
Includes NewsRadio Season 1, NewsRadio Season 2, NewsRadio Season 3, NewsRadio Season 4, and the positively awful NewsRadio Season 5 - Dean Cain: National Treasure
Movie Review of Boa. Zach reminds us why we love Dean Cain. He fights snakes! That's why!
- X-Men: The Last Stand
Movie Review
- Fall TV Preview: Day One 2006
What's hot, what's not, on Sunday nights...
- Fall TV Preview: Day Two 2006
What to watch on Monday nights, and what to avoid like poison...
- Fall TV Preview: Day Three 2006
What's up with Tuesday TV?
- Fall TV Preview: Day Four 2006
The wonder of Wednesday...
- Fall TV Preview: Day Five 2006
Thursdays are killing my DVR box...
- Fall TV Preview: Day Six 2006
Finally, Friday...
Action figures, resin, etc.
- Warhammer 40k Guide
My fridge is stocked full with nostalgia juice because of this stuff.
- Misery Children
You know what's really miserable? Children. Period. Macabre rules with these kickin li'l statues.
- Corpse Bride
McFarlane's Corpse Bride figs.
- McFarlane stadium promo
Coolest stadium giveaway ever.
- McFarlane NASCAR figs
McFarlane's only crappy toy line. Watch out for flying pigs.
- Mafia/WerewolfRules for this fun little paranoid game we play on the forum.
- KingmakerAlternate rules for the classic Avalon Hill game.
Nostalgia (sounds like a disease or sumpthin)
- Rampart
It's a game. With castles. It looks like crap. It's addictive as hell.
- The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Wootini gets all non-linear on yo' bad ass.
Comics (Marvel, DC)
In which Spidey test drives his new costume, and Civil War gets underway.
In which we learn some truths about Emma Frost, and several sub-plots drop in to say hi.
In which the Thing and the Human Torch fight the Hulk. That’s never been done before.
In which what happened last issue happens again this issue.
In which the recently deceased Firestorm is rebuilt from the ground up.
In which the Avengers don’t appear and bad things happen to good Canadians.
In which She-Hulk brings home a cowboy from the Old West.
In which MJ makes some friends, and Peter Parker makes an enemy.
In which Supergirl (Dark Supergirl, this time) fights everyone she meets. Again.
In which Nightwing and Superboy fly north and get their gay on.
In which our heroes get some zombie-proof duds. And guns. Lots and lots of guns.
- Paris Hilton's album
Adam uses guesses, misinformation and outright lies to review music he's never heard.
- Gunther - Pleasureman
Adam uses speculation and uneducated guesses to review Pleasureman, the new cd from Swedish sex god Gunther.
Video games
- Marvel Ultimate Alliance
Wootini hacks n' slashes his way through.
- Guitar Hero 2
- Hotel Dusk: Room 215
You can check in anytime you want, but you can never leave...until you finish the game.
- Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Sorry Link, but the princess is in another castle. Oh, and it's another princess entirely, too. Our bad.
- Tomb Raider: Legends
Review of the latest Lara Croft game for the PSP.
- Console Wars: Round 2
Microsoft had it easy. The Xbox360 had no direct competition. But all that is about to change...
- E3 2006
Microsoft's got a head start, but now Sony and Nintendo reveal what they've got up their sleeves.
- My Brain Hurts!
Can a videogame make you smarter? Well, it sure can make you feel dumb!
- Go! Go! Katamari!
In case Katamari Damacy wasn't addictive enough, Namco has now created a way for you to play the game anytime, anywhere!
- Phoenix Wright
I find Phoenix Wright guilty. Guilty of awesomeness in the first degree!
- Danger: Animal Crossing!
Or: The reason why I want my DS surgically implanted onto my hand.
- Lego My Star Wars II
Legos make everything more fun! It’s true!
- Random Demo Theater
Demo disc madness
- Random Demo Theater #2
Sometimes short bursts of videogames are enough.
- Random Demo Theater #3
Guns, gams and gazongas! Lara Croft is back!
- Dragon Quest VIII
What happens when the two greatest RPG-makers in the biz merge? Well, what do you think?
- If you can't be sexy, be cute
A look at Nintendo DS, Animal Crossing and rabid Nintendogs anticipation. Wootini's got the sickness.
- Next Generation Gap
Preview of the next gen consoles. Here comes the price gouging!
- Not THOSE kind of hot shots
Wootini hits the links for a Hot Shots review.
- Star Bores
KOTOR 2 review. The headline is very misleading because the game was anything BUT boring. Yay misleading headline.
- Lumines
Wootini can't stop the blocks from falling.
- Lego Star Wars
Most fun videogame ever?
- Spider-Man 2
Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does... Well, some of the things a spider can.
- Sony PSP - Now What?
Fine, it's launched. Donde esta the new releases?
- Graffiti Kingdom
Draw your own crap.
- Fantastic Four and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Here's what could've worked: combine all those characters into ONE game.
- PSP firmware
"Damn you, Sony!" Wootini screams as his Mac laughs at him.
- Dynasty Warriors Advance
Why am I controlling an ancient Chinese warlord in battles that are set to generic heavy metal tunes?
- Sony PSP vs. Nintendo DS
Nintendo DS was a slow starter, but Wootini finds it catching up quick.
- Nintendogs
Wootini talks digital canines.
- Nintendo Revolution Controller
It's a controller. Who cares.
- Nintendogs Show
Wootini enjoys Nintendogs waaaaaaay too much.
- We Heart Katamari
Rollin, rollin, rollin...
- Kirby: Canvas Curse
Good ol' fashioned fun with pink balls.
- Castlevania: Dawn Of Sorrow
Drac's back!
- Burnout Legends
Burnout is still the smashiest racing game out there.
- Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
Killing people is still fun.
- Xbox 360
360 degrees of separation.
- GTA ratings flap
Ratings systems are often counterintuitive.