Your #1 source for vomiting robot dinosaurs.
Maximum Interviews
- The Adam Brown interviewA rose is a rose except when it steals the name of one of our writers.
- Casey CurrieWhat does this race car driver say when confronted with the tough questions? "I'm not into eating gross things." Super! (Includes artist's interpretation of Hotwheels car and a Tyco RC Zero Gravity Cliff Hangers reference.)
- DaveWear interviewFor these t-shirt mavericks, it's just another dave on the job. Puntastic!
- Maximum Suck interviewNo longer a synonym for this very site, Maximum Suck is a real life band.
- Phantom Surfers interviewDr. Craw's incomparable interview.
- Shitty Blogs Club headman JecklesThe Blogverse's most prestigious institution.
- Sports Mogul's Clay DresloughAll the best interviews cover turducken, ponies, LARPing (whatever the hell that is) and the Lingerie Bowl.
- SwearBears founder Aaron TompkinsThis dude kicked the Care Bears' asses.