Ninja Force 3000 and the Horsemen of McAwesome strike back
by Dave McAwesomeSome poor sap spammed the forum the other day and got utterly torn to shreds by the an alert squad of Ninja Force 3000. Led by Team Awesome's Cris, Alix965 and Defiant, the crack stealth commandos of Ninja Force 3000 laid waste to the offender's forum.

Surrender was swift and immediate. This was a proud day not only for MaximumAwesome.com but for the community of misfits and hooligans that make up Misfitopia (formerly Chaos Wastes). Kudos to you. Kudos to you all.
In the past, Ninja Force 3000 has been sloppy, and has used the live spam link from ChaosWastes.com thereby allowing the victim forewarning and a chance to block our IP addresses. New military protocols have been established. Our highly trained ninjas shall be nothing but shadow and fog. There will be no warning. The righteous fires of retribution shall burn brightly.
You spam us, and you will be spammed a hundred fold.
I am awarding the following titles to these Ninja Force 3000 standouts and Horsemen of McAwesome: To Cris goes the title Horseman of War. To Defiant, Horseman of Chaos. To Alix965, Horseman of Atomic Fire.
EDITOR: Allow me to update the situation here. I once posted the following in the forum:
SPAM and the unstoppable, counter-spam unit, Ninja Force 3000
You might want to read this before spamming this site. Quite honestly, we will destroy you. We will mobilize our members, we will get on your site, you won't see us coming, and when it is over you will wish you never crapped in our yard.
This is a relatively new policy. It is more than a zero tolerance policy, it is a protocol for revenge.
Ninja Force 3000 is the military arm of Chaos Wastes. If you are a regular member here, you will soon figure out who the mighty generals are. NF3000 is an elite stealth commando unit created to wage forum and interweb warfare on morons who dare spam our home. The most worthy become Horsemen of McAwesome, the best of the best.
I encourage people to post the URLs of copycats or spammers without a live link. This way, they can't block the IP traffic that comes when we click on them from here. Instead, cut and paste the offending URL into google. They'll have no forewarning. The righteous fires of retribution shall burn brightly.
EDITOR: Yeah, it's me again. I took that down. It was a joke, but I don't even want to joke about encouraging spam. Spam sucks. Don't do it. I don't want you to do it. Do we have a group of forum members who alertly flag down the spam and mark it for removal? Yes. Beyond that, I report spammers to their internet service providers and to the proper legal authorities. Seriously, I actually do that.