Bella Sara
BellaSara.com - Ponies for everyone
by Dave McAwesomeThis is definitely something I would've done if I had the ear of investors and venture capitalists. Curse my poor networking skills! I have three killer ideas like this every WEEK. Where's my damn 18th century sponsor of the arts? I need some good ol' fashioned patronage. Step up, all you mollycoddling benefactors. Step. The hell. Up.
Magic, Pokemon, Yu-gi-oh? That's for suckers. Bella Sara is for ponies (and possibly unicorns). Enter a world of flowing manes, gilded bridles and user names like purplebutterflydancer. That's right. Collecting the cards is just your first step into a grand Web site experience based on lavender.
This is Clip Clop. He likes apples and letting me pet him. I used to love him very much until I found better, flashier ponies who are not shy of body glitter.

This is Sparkle Heart Stardust. I think his name is soooo cute. I came up with it by combining all the things I think are pretty. My second choice was JojoDancePinkKitty.

This is Shadow Prancer. He is so unruly and wild. Can I tame him between my silken thighs? Dare I?

Brianna Ariel Feathermane is my newest horsey. She has wings to carry me to Cloud Castle where I mill marry Prince Statutory in a lavish, magical ceremony.

No one can resist the no-nonsense combination of ponies, shimmering hair and collectiblility. Surrender all your money immediately.
Giddy up, girls.