G.I. Joe's communications officer
by Dave McAwesomeC'mon. Breaker was G.I. Joe's Uhura (you know, the chick from Star Trek who spent every episode with her hand to her ear repeating Starfleet transmissions, such as, "Captain, Starfleet requests a paternity settlement with the blue girl from planet Bordello."
Breaker was a series 1 figure. He did not come with a gun so he was automatically the worst of the bunch. These are army figures. No gun? Unpossible. He was also triplets with Clutch and Rock n' Roll. Breaker was brunette, Rock 'n' Roll was blond and Clutch had black hair. Breaker played either Kate Jackson or Jaclyn Smith in their childhood Charlie's Angels games. (The other set of triplets in series 1 consisted of Hawk, Flash and Short-Fuze.)
Once again, I must call to your attention that Breaker did not come with a weapon. Argh.