The Baroness
The Cobra Dominatrix
by Dave McAwesomeThe 'hot' action figure, right? That's what she's supposed to be. Like Scarlett, she's in Intelligence. Presumably, her modus operandi is the same: sleep with as many of the enemy as possible and thus bend the feeble wills of men. Us men...we're not so bright. Her file card says she is the only one who knows Destro's secret identity. Er. James McCullen Destro? Now you also know Destro's secret identity. Pass it on.
Her backstory in the comic was that she was the daughter of an aristocrat. Her dad ran some business in Southeast Asia (somewhere in Vietnam). She visited when she was 15 (because EVERYone loves to vacation in a warzone). Two of her father's business associates were trying to run some arms through one of the warehouses. The father found out. They shot him. Conveniently, Snake-Eyes jumps through the window at this very moment and shoots the baddies. The Baroness walks in and sees all three men dead. She thinks Snake-Eyes killed her father and temper-tantrums back to France or wherever before learning the truth. Traumatized, she becomes an international terrorist. It's the world's greatest romance story, isn't it folks?