Cookie Crisp
Cereal secrets revealed
by Dave McAwesomeHere's the solution to the current puzzle on the back of Cookie Crisp cereal. You've got to spell out the name Cookie Crisp in the box o' random letters. The secret is to start from the end and work backwards. Start with 'P' and you're golden. Or just look below for the complete solution.

Remember when Cookie Crisp had a cool mascot? He was a burglar or something, and he was always trying to steal Cookie Crisp cereal. But the Cookie Cop was always there to stop him. I think the valuable lesson they were trying to teach us kids in those commercials was: shoot the cop in the face before you try to steal cereal. See, there's only one Cookie Cop, and if you knock him off, Cookie City is pretty much yours for the taking. Eh. That's what I learned anyways.
Copy the solution to the puzzle on your own box of Cookie Crisp and wow your friends and family. They'll think you're ready for the MENSA test.
Back to the Breakfast Cereal Guide or the annual Cereal Awareness Month coverage.