Cocoa Pebbles
Cereal Awareness Month continues
by Dave McAwesomeThe back of this Cocoa Pebbles box demands a lot of tasks of the cereal-eater. Man, oh man. Can we just eat our cereal in peace? First, I guided Betty Rubble through the chocolate maze to, "send more yummy chocolate down to Fred," despite the fact that Wilma is SHAKING AN ENTIRE BOX OF COCOA PEBBLES RIGHT BEHIND HIM. Sorry for yelling. After that stupid pseudo-maze, I found the two "hidden" keys to help Fred get into choco-castle. See why I used quotes around the word "hidden?"

I find myself unable to sympathize with Fred's problem here. Why does he need keys to get in a chocolate house? It's chocolate. Eat your way inside, Fred. It's not as if Fred's watching his girlish figure. Look at his belly. He could fit three Wilmas and a Betty in there and still have room left over for a Pebbles/Bam-Bam dessert. Hell, Barney's eating the house. Why can't Fred? Oh...oh...maybe Fred put something IN the chocolate...mixed it with Ex-Lax or Olestra. He's poisoning Barney. Sweet revenge.
Back to the Breakfast Cereal Guide or the annual Cereal Awareness Month coverage.