Berry Krispies
Berry, berry bad
by Dave McAwesomeRice Krispies is branching out, huh? Berry Krispies? Snap, Crackle and Pop aren't pulling down enough coin from their various corporate speaking gigs? Whatever. Let's get to solving those pesky cereal box puzzles. This one is a standard, "find how many x are in the y." I'd give you the answers straight away, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to call shenanigans on the good people at Kellogg's. Find nine spoons? There are 10. I've circled them all on the picture below. I've also drawn big arrows to the tenth.
The funny thing is, one of the tasks you are asked to complete is to name three things that are wrong in the picture. I'd hate to see the accounting division at Kellogg's HQ, because once again they have miscounted.

- The airplane in the top left has a few problems. I strongly doubt it is aerodynamically rated to do an inverted roll. The fruit on the wings certainly won't stand up to the wind sheer at flight speeds. Mach 1, tops. Tops.
- Strawberries don't grow on trees. Neither do blueberries. I blame Crackle for this. Nice job, Crackle.

- Take a look at the upsidedown flag. What a disrespectful gesture to the founding fathers of Rice Krispies Land. Elves DIED trying to steal the marshmallow Rice Krispies Treats recipe from the Death Star. This shames their memories.
- The last point is not so much "wrong" as it is a portent of doom. That is one MOTHER of a cereal bowl. It's the size of a house. When the giant returns to finish his breakfast, Berryville is toast. Don't mess with a giant's first meal of the day. Stupid Elves.

On the side of the box, you got yer standard maze. "Complete the maze without lifting your pencil or crossing any lines," it says. Thanks, Captain Obvious. We've never done a maze before. Let me tell you something, Quincy Merriwether Kellogg, get yer act together. I expect this sort of sloppiness from Grape Nuts, but not the once unassailable powerhouse that brought us Frosted Krispies, Chocolate Krispies and Frosted Flakes. What would Tony the Tiger think?
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