Style Guide of Common Errors in English Grammar for Writers


As per AP, italicize only the title and not the license brand name, e.g. the 1977 film Star Wars, the Star Wars series (no itals), Star Wars toys (no itals), the Harry Potter books (no itals), the 1998 book Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
Italicize the following:

Do NOT italicize the following:

For writing on the web, other considerations may play out. On my site, for instance, I use a large arial font for easy reading. Simple italics hardly register at all. As a result, I use bold in conjunction with italics. For emphasizing words, I do the same thing. Other times, I will put the entire word in caps for greater emphasis. Is it 100 percent correct? No, but readability is much more important for the Internet in order to reduce your readers' eye strain (I'm being charitable by putting that possessive after the 's' in 'readers' rather than before. See? I'm not always a jerk.).

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