The Adam Brown
What's in a band name? Well in this case, my name, that's what.
by Adam BrownYou can find just about anything on MySpace. Old friends, new friends, prostitutes, pedophiles...the list goes on and on. One thing I never expected to find was a band named after myself. Ok, so they aren't technically named after me, but they are awesomely named The Adam Brown. On the advice of my legal team, instead of launching a fullscale lawsuit to establish exclusive rights to the use of my name, I decided to sit down (at our respective computers, of course) with frontman and band namesake Adam Brown for a little Q&A.
Adam: Nice name. Thief much? Just joking. Aside from it being your name and stuff, how did the idea to call your band The Adam Brown come about?
The Adam: Well... Back in 2003, I was a singer songwriter guy, and had released an album under the name "Adam Brown," but realized that there were tons of Adam Browns making records, including one for Warner Brothers. So just to differentiate myself from all the other Adam Browns, I put the "The" in front of my name. I thought it was funny at the time. But then I got an actual band together, and people started to think that I was a megalomaniac. Luckily, my Dad was searching Google one day and came across an old 1800's locomotive named "The Adam Brown!" So now, officially, we are not named after me at all, but after the train.
Adam: Sounds like one righteous locomotive. Give me a quick rundown of the other members of The Adam Brown. If you want to list them in order from favorite to least favorite, I won’t stop you. A little inter-band tension never killed anybody, except maybe Brian Jones, but that’s never been proven.
The Adam: Poor Brian Jones! If only he wasn't on heroin, he would have been able to swim out of harm's way! Ok, so this is my band in no particular order...they are all my least favorite! Muahaha!! J5 plays the bass and screams a little. Iris plays the drums and sings. Shawny plays the guitar and is in charge of rock moves and cheerleading.
Adam: Right on, a band is nothing without expertly executed rock moves. Your MySpace page lists Sam Cooke as your only influence. I've never heard a Sam Cooke song that sounds like "Lightnin' Lightnin'." I call shenanigans! Who are some of the bands that influenced your sound?
The Adam: I love Sam Cooke man! I'm not even kidding, maybe it's not so apparent in that song, or maybe it's buried somewhere deep in the songs but that man was KING! I like Elvis too. Basically, this whole band is to make rock n' roll music, not so much "ROCK" music. It's supposed to be able to help you move. Other influences I guess are The Replacements, The Ramones, early Rolling Stones, David Bowie, The Velvet Underground. Right now, we don't want to stray to far from the "ROLL" though. To us, the Roll is the difference between getting up and moving, or just standing in the same place pumping your fist.
Adam: Alright, I believe you! Shenanigans rescinded. So, you're from Canada (fyi), here in the states Nickelback is consistently one of the most popular "rock" acts year after year. Do you have this same problem in Canada? Also, aside from Nickelback, which Canadian band that hit it big in the states is your least favorite? (Hint...it's Rush).
The Adam: Oh Man, I HATE Rush!! I Hate Nickelback. What's worse is that Canada has "Canadian Content" laws on the radio. Stations are required by law to play Canadian bands at least 35% of the time. So we are all subject to hearing Bryan Adams, Loverboy, The Guess Who, Nickelback, RUSH, and countless other mediocre crap bands all of the time.
Adam: Yikes, that almost makes the free health care not worth it! I hope they still consider Neil Young a Canadian. Sorry to completely change gears here, but I'm watching the Tonight Show with Jay Leno right now and it appears that the anorexic guy from Silverchair (the Australian band that isn't Midnight Oil) has grown a porntastic mustache! Care to comment?
The Adam: Maybe, he's being ironic? Maybe he's just proud of the fact that he CAN grow a porntastic mustache and wants to show us! Getting back to Neil Young...yeah, still considered Canadian, I just didn't want to put him on that list.
Adam: Neil rules. Alright, fast forward to ten years from now, where will The Adam Brown be and, most importantly, how many of you will be in rehab?
The Adam: I think that the future could go two very different ways. If it turns out that nobody cares, I guess in 10 years I'll still be recording songs. But I'd stop trying to push how incredibly talented I am on everybody. And hey, if it turns out that people DO care about what we're laying down, then I imagine that 10 years from now would be pretty much the same as it is now, except I'd have clothes without holes in them! I'm absolutely positive that none of us will be in rehab in 10 years, in 15 maybe, in 10 we'll still be too stubborn!
Adam: Excellent answer, rehab is for quitters. Alright, look alive, time for a tough question. Kelly Clarkson, yea or nay?
The Adam: Yea! Kelly Clarkson is a Texan and a sweetheart.
Adam: Yea is the correct answer! You've won one free unlimited and completely shameless plug. Album release dates, upcoming shows, reality television appearances...let's hear it.
The Adam: Nice! Look out for the album in the fall of this year, if it's not out by the end of October, I'll shoot myself...or...no...I totally won't, but I'll be upset. And we'll be touring your glorious country by the spring of 2008. Sadly, we as of yet have no plans to appear on any reality tv shows. However, we've been talking about being on a completely scripted sitcom a la "Monkees," although YouTube will most likely be the only carrying network!

To hear a few songs from the upcoming album Lightnin' Lightnin' or to read a little more about The Adam Brown visit their website or go be their friend at MySpace. Tell them The Other Adam Brown sent ya.