Casey Currie Interview
Race car driver faces new off-road challenge: dumbified questions.
by Dave McAwesomeCasey Currie drives a truck in the CORR series (Championship Off-Road Racing). I stumbled on his MySpace page somehow and figured I'd ask him a few stupid questions. That's why they call it an interview.
Dave: When I was a kid, the only organized sports were little league, soccer and 'frying ants with a magnifying glass.' How did you get into racing?
Casey: Racing in southern california is a lifestyle. There are as many kids racing motorcycles as there are playing soccer. I have been racing motorcycles since I was 4 and since then have moved to the AMA pro ranks as a supermoto racer and then i moved into the desert with race trucks and cars.
Dave: What's your long term goal? Stock (NASCAR)? Open wheel? Motocross? Tyco Zero Gravity Cliff Hangers?

Casey: I think it is everyone's dream to race Nascar. If CORR could be like Nascar I would rather do it. The racing is so gnarly that it takes some people with a lot of natural talent and great running machines to win races. But NASCAR still would be dream.
Dave: Tell me about your worst crash.
Casey: With me driving I haven't really crashed too bad. I mean I have rolled a couple times but nothing that was crazy. When I was co-driving we crashed a Pro Truck going over 80 in a whoop section and the truck went end over end a couple times then slammed down on the passenger side and rolled sideways a couple times completely destroying the truck. There was nothing good on the truck. It actually sheered the truck in half. It was bad news, but we walked away.
Dave: Full time racing is very expensive. Do you hold a lot of bake sales?
Casey: I have been very fortunate. I have had some sponsors that believe in me, and I also have parents who back me in what I do. There wouldn't be racing for me without sponsors.
Dave: You've raced a lot of different vehicles. What do you like the most: motorcycle, truck, car, bumper cars at Six Flags?
Casey: Haha, I would have to say that I love to race my truck in CORR. I love being able to hold nothing back. Where on a motorcycle it hurts when you push it that extra inch. And in the desert you have to be conservative to make it the distance.
Dave: Hotwheels or Matchbox?
Casey: Both.
Dave: See, I used to dig on the Hotwheels, until they started doing all those weird cars with godawful decals, extra spoilers and seven wheels.

Dave: Did you have one of those race car beds as a kid?
Casey: I have had all the race car stuff. All the toys and the decorations.

Dave: What cereal box mascot would you like to replace (with yourself) and why?
Casey: I am not into that stuff. (Editor's note: Gah!!!) If someone said I fit the match, then I would do it. But I don't think that I am over anyone else.
Dave: The correct answer is Cap'n Crunch. I'm sick of looking at his ugly mug. What record in the Guinness Book of World Records are you most likely to beat?
Casey: I would have to read the book, but I think I could drive the world's fastest street driven hot rod. My grandpa has the record right now, but I think I could hold it to the floor a little longer to bump his speed. And I'm not into eating gross things.
Dave: Three words: Potsie. Elbow. Quarters. From Happy Days. Okay, that's six words. What was your favorite action figure growing up and why?
Casey: Toy cars. That's all I ever had.
Dave: Tell me the truth: Drag racing doesn't take anywhere near the skill course racing (or off-road racing) requires, right?
Casey: Let me drive one and I will let you know.
Dave: Can you give me an idea about the level of physical fitness a race car driver needs to be in by putting the following athletes in order from most fit to least fit: Driver, NFL player, baseball player, bowler, golfer, thumb wrestler.
Casey: NFL, baseball, driver, golfer, bowler, thumb wrestler.
Dave: What's the weirdest thing you've ever raced? Lawn mowers? Shopping carts?
Casey: I have raced everything. I don't know what weird is. I mean who doesn't drift shopping carts around every corner of the supermarket?
Dave: Finish this sentence: The movie Days of Thunder...
Casey: ...is the sweetest movie.
Dave: Plug yer shit.
Casey: CaseyCurrie.com.