The Encounter Saga
by Crisphotography by Dave McAwesome
Part 1: The Lesbian Club gets a new member (see below)
Part 2: Prelude to a threesome?

Her hypermodern ninja outfit was a huge turn on. "May I unsheathe your sword?" "Yes, but be gentle."
The following is a real conversation. The names have been changed to protect the promiscuous. The format is slightly altered from the original instant messaging service. Periods have been added for readability’s sake. The photographs are loosely based on the text in that they both feature naked women. Our crack fact-checking department is fairly certain, however, that the real life events did not in any way feature a ninja. -Team Awesome
1:19 PM
Crital78: so be honest it was me that influenced u
1:20 PM
bellaitaliana80: I'm not going to say. brenda actually started the whole thing. i was driving this drunk girl home. and we were listening to typo negative. me and brenda like worship pete steel his voice is so sexy and turns us on. thats what were listening to. she kissed me and stuck her tongue in my mouth and we kept making out. like she was climbing on top of me at red lights
1:25 PM
bellaitaliana80: she kept saying drive faster i cant wait to get home so we totally had lesbian sex

Crital78: keep going
bellaitaliana80: she went down on me first which i thought was surprising considering she always said she was curious but would never want to go down on a girl she would like it done to her
Crital78: ur skipping go back
bellaitaliana80: i went down on her. skipping what?
From the top
Crital78: slow the story down go back to the car
bellaitaliana80: yea what
Crital78: so u were making out who's house did u go to
bellaitaliana80: hers
Crital78: was there anyone in the house
bellaitaliana80: yes
1:30 PM
bellaitaliana80: her mother and her little sister
Crital78: where did u guys do it?
bellaitaliana80: in brendas bed room
Crital78: were there any vibrators or sexual toys involved?
bellaitaliana80: well the end result is she came---i didnt. no we were at her house not mine
Crital78: why do think that is ?
bellaitaliana80: i dont know
bellaitaliana80: i was never one for receiving oral sex i have almost never enjoyed it
bellaitaliana80: when i had sex with one person
Crital78: which was ?
bellaitaliana80: and you know the answer
Crital78: i'd like to hear it
bellaitaliana80: you cris you you you
Crital78: thank you see i think we need to go back to this we need to reexamine what went wrong
bellaitaliana80: and we will in about 20 minutes i have to drive my father home
Crital78: ok talk to you later
bellaitaliana80 has gone offline.
Digital manipulation

2:35 PM bellaitaliana80 is now online.
bellaitaliana80: im back
2:40 PM
Crital78: ok where were we ? when you got of the car describe your feelings?
bellaitaliana80: i was excited. i wasnt nervous at all. we are both so comfortable it wasnt weird. when we first kissed i got so wet.
Crital78: walking into the house did you wake anyone up
bellaitaliana80: no. well tank her dog but he is a nobody
Crital78: was there any digital manipulation in the car?
bellaitaliana80: i dont understand what you mean
Crital78: was there any finger action while you were driving ?
bellaitaliana80: over the pants

Crital78: on you or her
bellaitaliana80: both
Crital78: So lets start from where you were? at a bar
bellaitaliana80: yea
Crital78: Was there anything there that told you that this would happen?
bellaitaliana80: no she was all over guys as usual and i was by myself i danced a little
Crital78: so you get into the car both of you a little buzzed from the night and feeling good
bellaitaliana80: but i hardely even spoke to her outside of her saying gina give me money
Crital78: were u jealous ?
bellaitaliana80: no. i never get jealous. i dont care
Crital78: U never get jealous that she's with some guy?
bellaitaliana80: no
Crital78: or you never get jealous?
bellaitaliana80: why would i
Crital78: ok thats enough on that. so you get into the car ... both have a good buzz

Left: "I think I found my contact." Right: "Keep looking. Faster."
bellaitaliana80: yea i was driving this drunk girl home
Crital78: how long in the car ride before she reaches over?
bellaitaliana80: and brenda and me were listen to to our favorite band together which really turns us on. we were in the car about 3 minutes before we kissed. and then we laughed and she told me you are a really good kisser, does it make me a lesbian to want to kiss you again. i said no because i liked kissing you too
Crital78: what were you both wearing?
bellaitaliana80: all the while i have this drunk starnger singing all the wrong words to my favorite song so we were laughing and kissing
Crital78: yeah yeah but what were you both wearing?
bellaitaliana80: she was wearing jeans and a balck sweater and i was wearing jeans and a pink shirt
Crital78: thong underwear?
bellaitaliana80: well her i dont wear underwear
2:50 PM
Crital78: so the first red light she kisses you when does she put her hands on you?
bellaitaliana80: it wasnt a red light we just kissed while i was driving and after the girl got out she started climb on me
Crital78: describe Brenda real quick
bellaitaliana80: wow cris
Crital78: height, weight, measurements
bellaitaliana80: you are really liking this
Crital78: just trying to figure this out
bellaitaliana80: we actually look so much alike
Crital78: ill give you my analysis when im done
bellaitaliana80: only she has blue eyes and bigger boobs and i have an ass
Crital78: bigger boobs ... you have double D's
bellaitaliana80: but we are the same size
Crital78: how could hers be bigger?
bellaitaliana80: we wear the same bra size
Crital78: So we're talking two Double D girls
bellaitaliana80: yes
Crital78: i didnt realize you were that much alike
bellaitaliana80: only hers look bigger
Rewind back to the car
Crital78: so while you are driving she's groping you
bellaitaliana80: yes
Crital78: her hands touching all your most intimate of areas?
bellaitaliana80: well trying. she is kind of all over the place
Crital78: describe
bellaitaliana80: like i guess she was nervous that she wasnt doing the right thing and it showed but after a while she got loose

"Your lips are like a red paint application on hard, soul-less plastic
by an underpaid Chinese factory worker."
"Yes! Talk dirty to me."
by an underpaid Chinese factory worker."
"Yes! Talk dirty to me."
Crital78: and where were your hands ?
bellaitaliana80: driving
Crital78: how long was the drive ?
bellaitaliana80: about 10 minutes
Crital78: so for ten minutes you are both hot and heavy in the car while you are driving?
bellaitaliana80: yes this talk is getting lame now
Crital78: trust me it will be worth it you get to the room do you take off her clothes?
bellaitaliana80: no she rips them off herself before i am in the door
Crital78: and you ... do u do the same?
bellaitaliana80: yes
Crital78: by the way this would be easier if you explained this in detail and I didnt have to ask all these questions
bellaitaliana80: but i dont get why i am explaining in detail
Crital78: we'll get to that
bellaitaliana80: i dont trust that
Crital78: oh pleae
bellaitaliana80: but whatever
Crital78: please
bellaitaliana80: so we are naked and all over eachother now on the bed she goes down on me
Crital78: you want to be a writer you have to learn about detail gina
bellaitaliana80: your right
Crital78: you are setting a mood and bringing the reader in get into it
bellaitaliana80: so
Crital78: try slowing it down who's on top?
bellaitaliana80: she licks her way all the way back to my face and says "your pussy is so sweet and warm"
3:00 PM
Crital78: keep going
bellaitaliana80: so she is now on top of me and i ask her to come closer, "now i want a taste" so... cris im getting embarrassed. i dont remember every detail after that
Crital78: just go back to the moment
bellaitaliana80: there was thrusting and rubbing
Crital78: feel it
bellaitaliana80: she came and i didnt. thats the most i remember
Crital78: and let the words come out has it comes to your head. at what point did you take over?
bellaitaliana80: there was alot of laughing a joking during all of this
Crital78: of course ... nervous laughter
bellaitaliana80: no we were actually making jokes
3:05 PM
bellaitaliana80: not nervous it was so comfortable
Crital78: so when did you go down on her?
bellaitaliana80: scroll up i already told you
Crital78: u didnt mention it
bellaitaliana80: i did
Crital78: tell what you felt when you did it
bellaitaliana80: how much the feel and taste of her reminded me of myself. how sexy it was because our bodies almost feel and look the same. i was doing to her what i always wanted to be done to me and it worked

"Shaved, eh?"
Crital78: how long did this session last ?
bellaitaliana80: of me going down on her?
Crital78: yeah
bellaitaliana80: anywhere from 5- 7 minutes
Crital78: was there any moaning and what time of night was this?
bellaitaliana80: there was moaning i had my hand over her mouth its was about 3 am after she came she laughed
Crital78: were you disappointed that you didnt get to completion ?
bellaitaliana80: and asked me "are you sure that this is the first time you've done something like this" i assured her it was and we laughed she asked me why i didnt come and it was really okay to me that i didnt because it was really sexy, and i was still really satisfied although last night did prove me that i will always need a man i am mean we were curious and we tried it out it felt right and good too it wasnt uncomfortable
Crital78: so would you do it again?
bellaitaliana80: honestly i dont know and im leaning towards no but i would like to try it again because no matter how comfortable it was first times with anyone are always awkward
Crital78: yes your right but the good thing here was that there was no hesitation
bellaitaliana80: no
Crital78: I think you do have stronger feelings for this person more than just a friendship
bellaitaliana80: maybe
Crital78: I definitely think you guys would have to do this a few more times before you really knew
bellaitaliana80: but i really dont feel like i want to have sex with her i was so much more turned on in the beginning
Crital78: you mean working up to it
bellaitaliana80: and after a while i just wanted it to be over i know i should try it again i probably wont
Crital78: did it make you happy at all?
bellaitaliana80: it was fun and it wasnt amazing i thought it was cool the way we are both comfortable enough with each other that we were able to do that but i honestly have only ever sexually attracted to her and now that i've been there i feel a lot different dont get me wrong i still think she is gorgeous

3:20 PM
bellaitaliana80: and im not like not interested in her but, im straight so straight that i wouldnt be upset if i never had sex with a women ever again
Crital78: well how did she feel?
bellaitaliana80: good she made a joke "are we exclusive now?"
Crital78: dont jump to conclusions like that she actually said that ?
bellaitaliana80: yes but as a joke i would like to explore our sexuality together if thets where this takes us, but im not in love with her im not like omg i have to have her attracted to her, she is my best friend i mean i really dont know where i stand with all this im still trying to absorb that i did it
Crital78: and you're saying I had an influence on this?
bellaitaliana80: yes i am saying that it was bound to happen
Crital78: but i pushed it along?
bellaitaliana80: we spoke about it together before i spoke about it with you
Crital78: i know well i like to be right
bellaitaliana80: i know you do and dont get me wrong i do take everything you say into consideration but i do still have a very strong mind of my own and know how to make decisions for myself
Crital78: relax i didnt say u didnt
bellaitaliana80: whether you said anything or not it was going to happen
3:25 PM
bellaitaliana80: she also said "everyone was right about us being big lesbo's right?'
Crital78: ur not being big lesbos
bellaitaliana80: i know i kept telling her that
Crital78: she needs to get off that nothing wrong with a little fooling around
bellaitaliana80: i know maybe she doesnt know how to take what did you see im okay with it
Crital78: you both went home empty handed and pleasured yourself
bellaitaliana80: i dont regret it
Crital78: nothing wrong with that
bellaitaliana80: but she is still my best friend and i told her that last night this isnt going to change that brenda
Crital78: well thats the only thing you have to be careful of
bellaitaliana80: what??
Crital78: that she doesn't get ahead of herself but you went with your instincts and did pay attention to the bs so for that you should be proud
bellaitaliana80: well i am i just dont want her to get weird because as far as i am concerned it happened
Crital78: she wont ... if she does I'll talk to her
bellaitaliana80: oh yea and what will you say
Crital78: ill know if and when that time comes
bellaitaliana80: well it wont because i'll handle it
Crital78: so you want to come back to the other side?
bellaitaliana80: it would be weird if you spoke to her
Crital78: im just saying ill do what i can since i contributed this
bellaitaliana80: yes i do want to come back to the other side please if you'll have me cris you didnt contribute
Crital78: maybe i should
bellaitaliana80: no dont go there
Crital78: haha
bellaitaliana80: i told you how i feel about that
Crital78: i dont think i can handle more than one gina
bellaitaliana80: she is not gina she is brenda we are very very different
Crital78: ok
bellaitaliana80: with some similarities i have to go help my brother he locked the keys in his car i'll be back
Crital78: later
Knowing is half the battle
bellaitaliana80: so if i see you tonight are you going to make up for what didnt happen last night
4:05 PM
Crital78: ill choke you till you do
bellaitaliana80: oh why thank you haha brenda asked me if she should give me a beaten to come i swear she was trying hard
Crital78: was she choking you ?
bellaitaliana80: no but slapping me the wrong way and pulling my hair the wrong way so i had to tell her she wasnt doing it right
Crital78: so she didnt try to choke you?
bellaitaliana80: no people are afraid of that
Crital78: so she wouldnt respond well to that request then
bellaitaliana80: no
Crital78: well i thought you guys were open about that
bellaitaliana80: we are she knows what i like it doesnt mean she likes to do it i just spoke to her actually

4:10 PM
bellaitaliana80: so can you tell me why i had to get into so much detail
Crital78: well i wanted to know if u were actually into it and whether there was potential here and I know you would want to hear my advice for that i had to know everything
bellaitaliana80: well she doesnt know what to make of it i just spoke to her
Crital78: what did she say
bellaitaliana80: she said she doesnt regret it but she doesnt want it to interfere with our friendship and she wants to know why i didnt come, if that meant she was bad i told her she wasnt so she says well maybe i'll use a dildo, joking around and i said yes joking and she said so until net time.....
Crital78: sure it was a joke
bellaitaliana80: well whatever i actually want to talk about something different im bored with this already
Crital78: ok
bellaitaliana80: so ummm whats going on?
Crital78: you ... you are going on
bellaitaliana80: yea you think so?
Crital78: u just grew up a lot in the last couple of days
bellaitaliana80: really? now im smiling, i dont get it...how? .,.,.,.?
Crital78: you made a decision ... you didnt have to analyze ... and its something that is not widely accepted by public or family and you just did it because it felt right not because somebody made you feel bad about something or that it was some obligation to you
bellaitaliana80: well it means alot that you noticed that because i wouldn't have noticed
Crital78: well now you know and knowing is half the battle GI JOE
4:30 PM
bellaitaliana80: so you arent going to be home till real late tonight
Crital78: I promised a friend id go see him preform
bellaitaliana80: well you promised me you'd let me preform lol well let me go or i will rpobably go out with brenda and get drunk and sleep with her again lol
4:35 PM
Crital78: well u can bring the show to my house ill just watch two beautiful creatures do their art work
bellaitaliana80: right dont get all deep its not that serious
Crital78: doesnt matter it is a beautiful thing
bellaitaliana80: yes sex with you is pretty awesome too which i prefer over sex with brenda
Crital78: well thank you
bellaitaliana80: welcome
4:40 PM
bellaitaliana80: its time for me to get hot
Crital78: i thought you already were

bellaitaliana80: im blushing i didnt think you thought i was hot well im going to get hotter
Crital78: u do that
bellaitaliana80: text me and let me know if there is going to be aplan for tonight k?
Crital78: sounds like a plan
bellaitaliana80: talk to you later
Onward to Part 2: Prelude to a threesome?