Yeah. So. Ten years.
Ten years really flew by. At, uh, at pretty much exactly the amount of time it takes for ten years to pass. It matched one to one. Yeah.
Still no air cars. Still no cure for cancer.
Vomiting action figures, highly questionable relationship advice, and the ever feared Blog Thunderdome.
Yeah. So. Ten years.
Ten years really flew by. At, uh, at pretty much exactly the amount of time it takes for ten years to pass. It matched one to one. Yeah.
Still no air cars. Still no cure for cancer.
Zounds, what is it?[Continue Reading…]
The many designs and redesigns of this site.[Continue Reading…]
The Mk. 6 is my favorite of the first six designs.[Continue Reading…]
I needed something quick to scrub Mk. 5 out and to act as a placeholder while I worked on Mk. 6.[Continue Reading…]
Just when I promised myself no more drastic changes, I made more drastic changes. I moved the whole site to a CMS for easier maintenance. I keep trying to tell myself that while updating hundreds of static pages to fit in better with the rest of the site. Rock on.[Continue Reading…]
I got to the point where I couldn’t stand the nameplate anymore. I wanted a design that echoed the product labels of the early 1900s without looking too dated. The older style coupled with the silly MA name would fix everything I had so far botched. It looks great in my head. You know what the problem with that is? I have to translate that into a graphics program.[Continue Reading…]
Although I liked the big, bold “Maximum” on the old design, I wanted to try something vastly different for the next design. I wanted to create an over-the-top effect with a smaller font size. [Continue Reading…]
Moving on to design 2. You can open your eyes now. What do you mean they’ve been open? Oh, you poor sod. Move. Ing. On.[Continue Reading…]
It began in ugly fashion in January 2005. I pooled all my html knowledge together in late 2004 to cobble what has to be the most randomly stitched-up site since blinking gifs fell out of style. Doubtless, you remember the first anniversary article in which I reminisced about the very first design of this site. Let’s look at it again, shall we? Close your eyes…[Continue Reading…]
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