The following data has been heavily researched by a team of data-mining experts funded by the WBO. When quoting from this page, you must cite the World Blogging Organization as the source.
- 82 percent of all blogs have a blogroll.
- Each blog is linked to every other by no more than six degrees of separation.
- There are 3.2 blogs per living person.
- If you were to print out every page of content from every single blog, you would have to cut down every tree on the planet and then go back in time and cut them down again.
- If you were then to take these print-outs and lay them end to end around the planet, you would travel the circumference of the globe 72 times, giving every single person on the planet 2.6 paper cuts on their feet. (There's a reason carpets are not made of paper.)
- The amount of ink used for such an endeavor would fill our oceans with empty Hewlett-Packard ink jet cartridges, thus creating the first land bridge between North America and Europe since Pangaea.
- If you instead wanted to make paper airplanes with all the reams of paper instead of printing out blogs, you could blot out the sun with your paper air force, in effect eradicating all life on the planet.
- If you were to instead send these paper airplanes INTO the sun, the resulting dust clouds would rain ashen death on our heads for 15 straight hours.
- 90 percent of all pink blogs suck.
- Blogulosis, a disease whose chief symptom is the act of blogging about blogging, afflicts 23 percent of all bloggers.
- 90 percent of the 10 percent of the pink blogs that don't suck are one just one poem or cat photo shy of sucking.
- 37 percent of all North Americans have never read a blog. 98 percent of them are not missing anything.
- More than 20 percent of the world's population lives in poverty while you blog in front of the computer. You want a new design template. They would like some bread.
- According to an official WBO poll of 5,000 bloggers, 3 percent are in favor of vlogging (daily video updates from a dork talking into a crappy digicam). There is a plus/minus 4 percent margin for error.
- A million monkeys at a million typewriters write more compelling content than 54 percent of all bloggers.
- 14 percent of all Americans based their vote in the previous election on information they read on a blog. (32 percent flipped a coin.)
- 37 percent of all blogs USE EXCESSIVE CAPITALIZATION TO DRIVE HOME A POINT THROUGH YOUR SKULL. Half of these are Texans.
- 65 percent of the new blogs created are abandoned within a month of the first post. 85 percent of the rest should've been abandoned much, much earlier.