Misfit Werewolf Rules
The basics on how we play this in our forum
by Dave McAwesomeSuper. You've read through how the Mafia game works. The Werewolf game operates exactly the same way except instead of the Mafia making a power grab in the town, it's werewolves. I also doubt werewolves are interested in extortion and bookmaking. I think they're just after blood. The opening to such a game might be...
There is trouble in Misfitopia Village. There are Werewolves on the loose! Will the townspeople save their village by lynching the suspected lunatics? Or will the Werewolves snack on their bones?
The roles in the Werewolf game are identical to the Mafia game, except by name. Here they are:
Villager - Usually called a Townsperson or Misfit. Doesn't really matter as long as the game leader is consistent.
Seer - The Seer is equivalent to the Cop in the regular Mafia game. Instead of innocence and guilt, the game leader reveals the identity of the target in a dream. God, I can't stand this idea. I prefer to stick to Cop, but hey, that's me.
Angel - The Angel is equivalent to the Doctor in the regular Mafia game. I can't stand this Angel thing either. Again, I prefer to stick to Doctor.
Monk - The Monk is equivalent to the Mason in the regular Mafia game. We use Illuminati, because we're in good with those folks.
Werewolf - The Werewolf pack is equivalent to the Mafia family in the regular Mafia game. As I mentioned before, because this is a kinda screwed up website, we're bored of hackneyed stuff, so we like to think our Werewolves have Scottish accents and a taste for scotch whiskey.
Cool. Where do I play?
We run games on Misfitopia. Newcomers are always welcome.