Jedi vs. Sith
Mafia variant
by Dave McAwesomeThere is trouble in the Misfitopia Jedi Council. The Sith are eclipsing the light side of the force. Will the Jedi and their Padawan save the the Council by lynching the suspected parties? Or will the Sith assassinate them all one by one?
In the standard game, the two groups are Townspeople and Mafia. This game consists of two similar factions: the Jedi and the Sith. Actually, most players will be Padawan. A Padawan is the average Townsperson. Each Padawan/Jedi does NOT know who the others are. Each Sith knows who the others are. On Misfitopia, the Sith will be able to post their discussions and strategy in a hidden forum.
These are the players in the game. Each game day they may perform a special action, in addition to whatever other posts they wish to make. No PMs, emails or other discussion outside the public game thread in the forum is permitted (except where noted in the player descriptions).
Padawan - A Padawan is equivalent to the normal Townsperson in the regular Mafia game.
Jedi Master - A Jedi Master is equivalent to the Cop in the regular Mafia game. There is one major exception. The Jedi Master knows the identity of the Jedi Knight and may communicate freely with that person via PM or email. The Jedi Master PMs the game leader whom they wish to investigate. The result will either be innocent or guilty.
Jedi Guardian - A Jedi Guardian is equivalent to the Doctor in the regular Mafia game. PMs the game leader whom they wish to protect. That person cannot be killed by the Sith. The Guardian may never protect himself.
Jedi Knight - Knows the identity of the Jedi Master and may communicate freely with that person via PM or email.. If they are crafty, they can form a powerful voting block. If they are careless, they will look like Sith (Mafia) scum and be lynched.
Force Sensitive - No extra powers at the beginning. The game leader does NOT notify the player that he or she is Force Sensitive. This player may be tapped to become a Sith Apprentice as described below.
The Sith - There are only two bad guys in this version, the Sith Lord and his apprentice. There are never more than two. Unlike the Godfather, the Sith Lord CAN be investigated by the Jedi Master. If the Sith Lord is killed, the Sith Apprentice becomes the Sith Lord. He PMs the game leader for an apprentice. One randomly selected Padawan (NOT a Jedi Master, Jedi Knight or Jedi Guardian) becomes his new apprentice (note, this means that the Force Sensitive CAN become a Sith, just like a normal Padawan). The new Sith Apprentice loses his old powers (if any) and functions as a regular apprentice. If the Sith Apprentice is lynched on the same game day in which he recruits an apprentice, the game is over and the Jedi Council wins.
Sith Apprentice – Masquerades as Padawan and posts whom he/she wishes the Council to lynch. Recommends to Sith Lord whom to assassinate in the hidden Mobster forum. May also pose as Jedi Master or Jedi Guardian to throw off the Council. On any turn FOLLOWING the assassination of a Jedi Master, Jedi Knight or Jedi Guardian, the Sith Apprentice may choose to kill the Sith Lord instead of carrying out the normal assassination. He becomes the new Sith Lord as explained above. Note: the game leader does not tell the Apprentice the specific role of the Jedi that has been assassinated, but only that a Jedi has been killed and that the Apprentice has the option of killing his Sith Lord master.
Sith Lord – Makes the official decision (based on recommendations from his Apprentice) on whom to assassinate by posting so in the hidden Mobster forum. If he targets the Force Sensitive, the Sith Lord may choose to kill his Apprentice instead and make the Force Sensitive his new Apprentice. The Sith Lord is informed of this by the game leader via PM prior to the assassination.
Cool. Where do I play?
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