Castle of Count Dracula
Mafia variant
by Dave McAwesomeThis is an experimental variant on the standard Mafia/Werewolf game.
The game begins with one Count Dracula (mafia), one Cop and the rest are Townspeople. Count Dracula is attempting to take over the town. He wins once all the Townspeople are dead or have turned to vampires. The Townspeople win if and only if Count Dracula is dead.
He acts like a Cult Leader for all intents and purposes. Every night he bites (recruits) a Townsperson. If he recruits the Cop, nothing happens (the Cop has garlic). Once a Townsperson is bit, he becomes a vampire (mafia). (At Misfitopia, he joins Count Dracula in the hidden forum.)
Holy Water
Each Townsperson (except the Cop and any other roles, e.g., Doctor) has one vial of Holy Water. Starting on Day 2, Holy Water may be used. Before the end of the day, a Townsperson may notify the game leader that he wishes to use Holy Water on another player. If the player is a Vampire, he dies. If the player is Count Dracula, he dies and the Town wins the game. If the player is a Townsperson, that player is protected from being bitten that night.
Alternate 1: One Townsperson is a Priest. At the end of every day, the priest blesses one vial of water and may give that vial to any other player. If a vial is given to a vampire, nothing happens. The priest may only give holy water and may never use it (arbitrary rule for game balancing--maybe someone else can come up with a valid reason for this).
Alternate 2: the Cop not only receives guilty/innocent results but also knows if a guilty person is Count Dracula.