by Dave McAwesomeHi. Yes. Unless noted otherwise, all material on this site falls under copyright. See? I even made a jpeg for it:

What does that mean? It means hands off, unless you get my permission to republish. You are ALWAYS welcome to link to any of the articles from your site. Each article is permalinked, so you don't have to worry about it disappearing from the internet.
If you want to use any content from here on your site, you MUST get my permission first. For most of the "help" files in the "Misc" section, my answer will probably be "yes," on condition of a linkback. For most of the other sections (The Unexamined Life (aka, Dave), Section 2, Quite Frankly), I'm going to be more hesitant because they really define what Maximum Awesome is all about, namely: idiocy.
Here's the email:
For our copyright takedown notice.