Here are the same links with buttons:

Which looks better? Exactly.
Feel free to download any of the following 80x15 buttons and load them on your server or a free image host like Photobucket or Flickr or wherever. (Direct linking to images is not polite--see below.)
Here are some G.I. Joe and Transformers buttons I whipped up real quick. Needless to say, they do not in any sense intend to challenge the copyright of Hasbro and the G.I. Joe and Transformers intellectual properties.
And now some banners:

I know what you're thinking: "Hey, this is cool and all, but how do I link to you using these images?" Simple enough. Use a code like this:
<a href=""><img src="your URL of image" border=0></a>
Maximum Awesome's RSS/XML feed is:
<a href=""><img src="your URL of image" border=0></a>
Toyville is:
<a href=""><img src="your URL of image" border=0></a>
Direct Linking
Upload the button or banner to your site, or go to a site like or These are photo hosting sites. They will store your image for free. Set up an account there and upload your file. Now you will have a URL to use for your account here. The URL is sorta like the street address of your image. It tells the internet where it lives. "Direct linking" happens when you use the image-owner's URL (in this case to have the images appear on YOUR site. That's not cool and is considered a breach of internet etiquette. Why? Because I pay for bandwidth. Every time you direct link one of my images, it uses up some of my bandwidth. If you're having trouble following this, email me (address is below). I'd be happy to walk you through this.