Smells Like Teen Spirit
by Frank PittareseDear Frank,
I have been dating a girl for a few months now, and everything is going pretty well. She is smart, attractive and well-mannered. I really enjoy her and her company. Our sex life is fine except for one small thing; during penetration, she breaks wind.
At first we both laughed about it and she said it happens sometimes during her 'release.' Except, I've noticed it happens EVERY time we have sex...and now it's a point of distraction. We don't really talk about it anymore--and I'm starting to dread intercourse, becoming angry or disconcerted when the farting begins. Can this be prevented? Is it something she is eating? How do I approach this subject with her? This is a relationship I would be willing to save.
--Smells Like Teen Spirit
Quite Frankly: You straight boys and your problems!
Okay, I guess its not unusual for a little air to be let out during the occasional fuck, but brother, did you do the wrong thing when you set the comfort boundaries for your screwing. While I'm not saying that your girlfriend is intentionally releasing gas during sex in some "I'm gonna fart 'cause it secretly gets me off" sort of way, I do think that as soon as you established that you were okay with it, it became a non-issue for her. You let it be known that you can deal with some ass-wind, and now she feels secure enough with you to fart during sex. Its that simple. (Ain't love grand?)
Obviously, you're troubled enough to write this big homo a letter, so I'm going to suggest that you delicately (i.e. not in the middle of the sex act) bring this up, and express your feelings. Let her know that while you understand that accidents happen, the two of you need to explore some ways to prevent it from becoming a common occurrence.
Only a doctor can tell you if or how the farting could be prevented, although it is certainly possible that your girlfriend's diet is a factor. But you won't get any answers until you discuss the issues.
If you air out the problem, you could work towards solving it.